
UX Study
Mobile App Design

The Brief

Initially contacted to create a website, the client asked me to design their webapp also. With a one-week time constraint,

The client's product measures and tracks soft skills and needed several different ways to show the data. I helped clarify the features and define the areas of the app.

The Deliverable

I designed a series of enormous animated interactive components in Figma that provide several different views of detailed information at the click of a button.

I chose to keep things simple by using the same colors and font I’d used for their website.
First of the four areas

soft skills

All skills

There are four areas of the app: Soft skills, Improvement, Match, and Games.

This is the view of all the person's soft skills using a radial graph. When one of the greyed-out buttons is pressed, a detailed view of that group of soft skills comes flying out from one of the corners of the graph.
A detailed pic is below


This is a global view of the relationship between the four groups of soft skills.

When the buttons above this chart are clicked, the graph animates in and out and detailed look at each of the four groups.
Figma flex

List View

This view shows all the person's soft skills in a line graph.

This chart, too, is interactive and animated. When the buttons above the graph are clicked, the widget gives a detailed view of that group of soft skills.
Also animated


This area of the app provides information related to each soft skill and which games the person can play to measure and improve that particular soft skill
Packed with info

A detailed look

The radial graph
A composite image showing the 5 ways that information can be shown with a certain kind of graph - in this case, a radial graph.
The block graph
A composite image showing the 6 ways information can be shown in a graph.
Design slight of hand

Map Matching

This feature of the tool allows the person to see how their total soft skill map matches one that has been defined as the ideal for a certain profession.

A screenshot of a page of the webapp, showing the persons soft skills map laid over one that represents the ideal soft skills map of a Financial Analyst.

The design

The app was designed with two sides: one side for the individual and another for the coach. Both individuals and coaches can see all of the graphs, but the coach has access to pages that allow them to overlay maps and see results for all the members of their team at once.

Final thoughts

The client used the interactive prototype to successfully pitch to investors.

An MVP of the product is currently being used for pilot projects in Italy.

"Emma has been invaluable for the image of my two companies. She has an excellent eye for both the artistic part of the project and the digital/graphic implementation of the creative concept. She is very efficient and reliable and, most important of all, she listens, making every professional interaction easy and productive."
The picture of the founder of Wisepath and Skillquest, Gianluca Ferremi.

Gianluca Ferremi

Founder, Wisepath / SkillQuest

Let's talk!

I’d love to discuss your project with you.